Interrogations / Questioning
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502 Bad Gateway
Y a pas de quoi Peteris,
la référence de la traduction est postée dans ma librairie:
Amicalement; MK
Don´t mention it Peteris,
the reference ofthe trabslation is posted in my library:
Regards; MK
(par MK)
Bonjour :
Attention, dans la section sur l’avant main Denoix/Pailloux précisent:
« Malgré cet intérêt indéniable en équitation sportive, le travail du cheval encolure basse ne doit pas être trop répété, ni trop prolongé car la surcharge de l’avant main pendant la durée de l’exercice entraîne une augmentation des contraintes ostéo-articulaires et tendineuses sur les membres antérieurs. Cet exercice est ainsi contre-indiqué chez les chevaux ayant des antécédents de tendinites où d’affections articulaires. »
Mes statistiques sont peut être faussées, mais je crois que cette restriction est applicable entre autres aux chevaux mal ferrés ainsi qu´à ceux qui ont eu un croissance et/ou des débuts difficiles.
A bon entendeur, salut!
Warning, in the section titled ‘Forehand’ Denoix/Pailloux specify:
“While this exercise undeniably contributes towards performance, it must not be practiced too often, nor be prolonged, as the overloading increases pressures on the joints and tendons in the forelimbs. It is therefore counter-indicated for horses with a past record of tendinitis and joint disease.”
My statistics may be biased, but I think that this restriction applies, among others, to horses that are poorly shod as well as those who had a growing and/or breaking dificulties.
To good listener, salvation!
(par Michel Kaplan)
Ne peut-il pas y avoir plusieurs manières d´avoir un "cheval heureux" ?
(par StephE)
Cher Billy,
Si j´ai bien compris, il n´y a pas d´équitation propre à A.I.
L´objectif est la légèreté, et tout le monde ne semble pas prendre les même chemins pour y accéder. Allège-Idéal regroupe différents types d´équitation, tant que le soucis de la légèreté reste au premier plan. C´est donc normal que vous trouviez des avis contraires aux votres, et ca ne veut pas dire que personne partage votre vision des choses. Il y a certainement de nombreux cavaliers qui vous ressemblent parmi les 600 membres de l´association.
Enfin c´est mon avis.
Dear Billy,
If I understood correctly, there is no special equitation to A.I.
The goal is lightness, and everybody may not take the same ways to obtain it. Allège-Idéal groups different types of equitation, as long as lightness stay at the first priority. So it´s normal that you find contrary opinions with yours. But it doesn´t mean that nobody shares your point of view. There are surely many riders which resemble to you among the 600 members of A.I.
So, it´s my opinion.
(par Laurent)
Bonjour à tous
Laurent vous avez entièrement raison. Je me suis trompé AI ne correspond pas à l´idée que j´en avais. Désolé.
Bonne route à tous
(par Billy)
Well ---
I have now watched the whole video. I can only say that this is not dressage training as we/I know it.
But - There is no pulling on the reins in this training video, only a caressing rein to make the neck round and deep.
BUT - the alignment of the neck and spine makes the halfhalt impossible. Instead there are pauses for thought, used when the horse is running away. And use of voice - which of course is not a bad thing in itself.
Putting the weight on the forehand makes for big movement as the hindlegs do not carry so much weight and very much forward - So after thet putting the horse in a competition frame is hard and it is not easy to get the hindlegs under when it is so much easier to just GO.
In this video Salinero is only eight and is starting the piaffe - with a lot of impulsion and the hind legs under him, but with the front legs far back under his belly too.
It is also very hard to get the horse to extend head and neck opening the angle of the throat-latch - Salinero does is after a while, the other horses not.
To me that seems like the horses do not trust the contact, and are reluctant to seek it.
- I would recommend you all to watch the video if you can. It was a very nice presentation by a successfull couple, very confident in what they are doing. Nice and charming. I like them after having seen the presentation. But I still think that their system has evaded the essence of dressage, the schooling and building of the horse (be that happy or athletic or whatever) - and just concerns itself with the presentation of excess - thinking about the horse as a volcano or an atomic bomb instead of a dancing partner.............
So - there is my impression. /Margareta
(par Margareta Westlin)
Pour éviter des bavardages inutiles et des fausses querelles qui font perdre du temps à tout le monde, il suffit d´aller sur la page d´accueil de notre site et d´ouvrir la 2è rubrique dans la colonne de gauche :"l´association Allege-Ideal". Les buts de l´association y sont clairement indiqués. On aime ou on n´aime pas. Dans le second cas on a la courtoisie de passer son chemin en nous faisant grâce des états d´âmes. Merci.
(par Christian Carde)
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Bonjour à tous
Si c´est ça l´équitation d´AI alors c´est sans regret.
(par Billy)