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For a weekend in New York

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Mick Hunter
Joined: 02/05/2006
Mick Hunter
Joined: 02/05/2006

Don't ask me to give an analysis about rules contest, i don't juge.
But what do u feel about this presentation ?
I don't talk about the redinguote. I am even less an expert in those. I just change my chaps thats had holes, i don't
understand they where almost new.


Ne me demandez pas de vous fournir une analyse à propos de rêglements de concours. Je ne juge pas.
Mais que pouvez-vous dire de cette présentation ?
Je ne parle pas de la redinguote. Je suis encore moins expert là dedans, je viens tout juste de changer mes chaps trouées,
pourtant presque neuves.

Message édité par: Mick Hunter, à: 2007/03/13 09:43

Joined: 03/05/2006

I love this performance. It is one of harmony. I believe the horse is working with his rider. I feel that the piaffe and passage is not as ACTIVE as those we see today but in saying that, it is more correct under the FEI rules of piaffe and passage.