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In French in the text: Effet d'ensemble

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Joined: 17/03/2006

Question from FERREIRA Irmine(French speaking corner)

I am reading the description done by Faverot de Kerbrech of what is called in French "Effet d'ensemble". I do not really get the point on that. What is the aim, the benefits of this method? It is described as one of the very first lesson for the green horse: very short reins and with pressure of the spurs on the flanks. Have anyone the experience of the technique?

Message édité par: Delespaux, à: 2007/04/20 09:02

Vincent Delespaux
Coordinateur AI Benelux

Joined: 17/03/2006

Hello Irmine,
L'Effet d'Ensemble was Baucher's ability to bring the horse's balance as close as possible to it's centre of gravity,by useing the hand to oppose the leg.When this occurs only a very slight shift of balance,in any direction,is required to effect a movement.Prominent in his 1st. manner and much less so in his 2nd manner,when it was,and still is,occasionally,used to rebalance an unruly horse.Hand and leg opposition should be used ONLY for a very short moment of time.Both horse and rider must fully understand the aids.
The principle is,indeed, very well described,and explained, in Jean-Claude Racinet's book "Racinet explains Baucher"in Chapter 4,page 45.
Thank you Vincent for bringing this forward from the French forum.
With regards,
Sandy Dunlop.

Joined: 17/03/2006

Hi Sandy,

I brought this question here because personally I read the description of the "Effet d'ensemble" many times but was honestly unable to use it or to see any effect on my horses except a big question mark above the head!
You say it is useful for "unruly" horses but that they have to understand perfectly the demand... is this not a bit contradictory? How do you learn it? If I give simultaneously legs on "closed" hands my horse is walking backwards. That's what I learned to him. Is it a mistake?

Vincent Delespaux
Coordinateur AI Benelux

Joined: 17/03/2006

Hello Vincent,
I would have given a lot to have discussed this with Baucher,but I understand Racinet.If I believe in the principle of 'hand without leg'and'leg without hand',and that 'position precedes action',then I can MOMENTARILY reverse the first principle if I experience,in my seat,what L'Hotte has called as a "feeling of contractions".This is when my horse will lose a little lightness and 'squirm'a little out of the correct position just prior to a movement such as a canter strike off.There would be no point continuing to ask for canter without first restoring a correct position,which can,on occasion,MOMENTARILY require the upper and lower aids to be applied together to break the contraction.With the position made correct my aids to canter depart may be restored,and then released as appropriate. May I continue on a second post?

Joined: 17/03/2006

Continuation from my last post.
The 'unruliness'I described before is that subtle.It involves very subtle changes of balance provided one's own position is correct.It seems to me that it is in the release of the appropriate aid(s)that the lightness one had before is restored,and always provided the activity in the haunch remains appropriate for the movement.
That is my understanding at this time.Your thoughts?
Sandy Dunlop.

Joined: 17/03/2006

Thanks a lot for your detailed answer... I HONNESTLY say that I have to think about it! I am currently working on a particular matter that is demanding all my attention... Working my stallion without bit... that's quite a program. By the way if you have any experience with this... any comment is welcome!

I think i have the perception of what you are explaining... I'll try to use the bit for a moment and exercise what you are explaining. Hands with legs for a REALLY short moment... This will maybe provide me an explanation... Sorry for any language mistake...

Thanks a lot for participating to this "English speaking corner"... I am wondering why the participation of other English speaking people is so poor!

Message édité par: Delespaux, à: 2007/04/20 23:05

Vincent Delespaux
Coordinateur AI Benelux

Joined: 17/03/2006

Hi Vincent and Sandy,
your dialog led me to read again chapter XV about "effet d'ensemble" in the 1864 edition of Baucher's Méthode d'Equitation. (Second method)
Baucher there describes the "effet d'ensemble" as the exact opposition of the aids" or "harmonie des forces/forces' harmony" recognized when "la légèreté sera obtenue sans déplacement/lightness is obtained without change of pace". Baucher explains that the "effet d'ensemble" must always be used to prepare for each exercise. it's only a warning and causes no change in the motion, it organizes the body parts for the exercise to come.
Unlike some of his disciples, Baucher doesn't promote "effet d'ensemble" anymore as a way to control resisting horses as he did in his first method. IMO, in 1864, he described the "effet d'ensemble" as the seed of a perfect half halt obatined in lightness.
Happy light rides!

Joined: 17/03/2006

Dear Vincent,
I have been thinking about your stallion.Without a bit how do you manage to re-channel the energy created by your legs back to the haunch?Perhaps your horse is in complete self carriage?
With regards,

Joined: 17/03/2006

Hi Sandy,

Actually, I wanted to test the self-carriage and odedience/submission/cooperation without mouthpiece. I tight the reins to the "caveçon" (to be exact to the inferior part of the noseband which is quite loose as the horse can eat grass or grab easily a lump of sugar). I have a total control of the neck. I did not believe it but it is very possible (50 gr in hands) to ask for lateral flexions, neck elevation and lenghthening. My stallion is coming on my hand with the same contact as with the mouthpiece and I really feel connected and aligned with energy rechannelled but rather from my seat to the haunches. I do not need to use my legs a lot for impulsion. Of course you do not have the same precision as with a mouthpiece but the experience is from my point of view quite interesting.

Vincent Delespaux
Coordinateur AI Benelux

Joined: 17/03/2006

« Hand without legs and legs without hand » (Baucher's Second method) means you don't use leg to balance the horse (in the First method, 'effet d'ensemble' was used to do that).

In the Second method, 'effet d'ensemble' was not used to balance the horse, but to stop any motion of the horse not wanted by his rider.


Message édité par: Marcantoni, à: 2007/04/25 09:16

Joined: 17/03/2006

Hello Hervé,

IMO, « Hand without legs and legs without hand » means only "don't use your aids simultaneously".
That's the keystone of Baucher's second method legacy.

Otherwise, I believe I quoted Baucher correctly.
Do you wish me to post some excerpts of the original text in the French forum? I could do that this weekend.