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OLRY Juliette
Joined: 17/03/2006

The pictures showing « Power and Paint » the pony lunged with a reining device holding him in hyper flexion (or Rollkur), during the last European Championships at Freudenberg (July18-22, 2007) as well as his ranking prompt a general condemnation in equestrian forums and in the specialized press. Some are upset about the suffering of this pony; others are concerned about the silence of competent authorities. All may notice that the rules are flouted.

And, what is the meaning of a discipline when its rules aren’t applied?

It’s time to gather to get our voices heard.

Thanks to Guillaume Levesque who bravely shot the pictures and to all the friends who intervened on Internet forums in France and foreign countries. Unified with all those who expressed their desire to react, we are ready for action!

To avoid any repetition of such a spectacle, let’s sign massively the following “petition to the FEI” and create a chain to diffuse it as broadly as possible.

You can sign the petitions :

OLRY Juliette
Joined: 17/03/2006

i've wrotte to the webmagazine Horse's for life .
He repond:

Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention. I have already told
Valerie that I will add this to our Letters to the Editor in our new edition
of Horses For LIFE. Hopefully it will bring even more attention to the

If you haven't already you may be interested in the many articles that we
have on rollkur many of them free in our magazine. We began with our June
2006 Issue where we dedicated the entire issue to the subject of rollkur and
continue to speak out about it.

Above is one of the free articles that we offer on this subject.

Please feel free to include either of these or any other links if you think
it might help.

We also have several new articles coming up in upcoming issues that I think
will be especially interesting on this subject.