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Sylvia Loch and Colonel Carde

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suzanne andrews
Joined: 05/02/2008

I have just spent the most amazing three days at Saumur with a group of really great people. Having received probably the most inspiring advice and help from Sylvia Loch and Colonel Carde that I have ever received before. I feel impelled to say a huge sincere 'Thank You' to them both and to all the lovely new people I have met and a very very special thank you to a wonderful young horse 'Millie' who tried so hard to please and learn and trust. She came away from the experience a happy and relaxed horse with her first steps towards lightness and the beginnings of a wonderful journey. I am absolutely over the moon and so grateful for the experience and friendly approachable ambience throughout. The phrase is so right it is life changing.

ACRES Samantha
Joined: 17/03/2006

Very well said Suzanne !!
I can only agree that the whole 3 days were inspiring.
Colonel Carde and Sylvia Loch are two very special people, from whom we must gain as much information as possible!!
From the other people I spoke to at the clinic, everybody thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated the horses, the people and the conviviality.
A very big 'Thank you'!
Also to Juliette - who was very kind to clear my two hired stables out for me !!

PODER Catherine
Joined: 17/03/2006

Hello Suzanne and Samantha!

I'm back home whith so nice remembers of these "magic" three days!
Happy to meet you, happy to ear Colonnel Carde and Sylvia Loch teaching lightness and happy to see your horses so ...happy!

A la prochaine rencontre!

suzanne andrews
Joined: 05/02/2008

Oui Catherine bien-sure la prochaine fois!
It was so lovely to meet you and I am looking forward to keeping in touch. Your support and kind words were very appreciated. I believe Colonel Carde and Sylvia Loch are truly inspirational and wonderful people.
Millie continues her progress well, it was certainly the most inspiring time. I am so proud of her trust.Take care.
A bientot. Suzanne

OLRY Juliette
Joined: 17/03/2006

I was very enjoy to meet you all and hear Sylvia loch an Christian Carde speaking about lighteness.
i hope this is the beginning of a long collaboration between our two association ( and why not , others ? ) in the respect of our difference but unit about essential.

to samantha : no problem ! clear stables is good for the head ! but ....after next meeting you'll clear mine ( smile !)

suzanne andrews
Joined: 05/02/2008

Je croix que peut-être un de le box sont de moi. Je dit merci beaucoup de vous pour quoi vous fait. La prochaine fois oui j'ai aider vous bien-sure! merci encore.