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plase help with any ideas!

9 réponses [Dernière contribution]
Inscrit: 28/08/2011


I\'m leaving my country this year and i would like to find out where in France can i have good professional training in showjumping where i can carry on. It has no difference where it is, but it would be better if it is in some bigger town, or city cause i\'m going there also to study. If you can help with any ideas pls let me know!


(par siq)

Inscrit: 28/08/2011

It would be our pleasure to try to help you but how about giving a bit more details:
in which part of France are you going to settle? What is your equestrian level? There are many fine riding schools good trainers in our country!
Tell us more.


Nous serions heureux de vous aider mais si vous nous donniez quelques détails supplémentaires:
où vous installerez-vous en France? Quel est votre niveau équestre? Il y a beaucoup de centres équestres de qualité et de bons entraîneurs dans notre pays!
Dites nous-en davantage.

(par allege-ideal)

Inscrit: 28/08/2011

Well the place i\'m going to settle depends on where i find a good place to ride. I just wouldnt want it to be such a very small town cause i will also have to study! But the thing is that i wouldn\'t like to go to a riding school but ride at some good sportsman, like i do here..if its possible of course..
You\'ve asked me about my equestrian level.. one of the best results i had was 3 years ago, when i was 14, I came first in the Russian showjumping competitios and a year later first on the moscow showjumping competitions. max i jumped competitions 1m 30, but well. then i had a break of 2 years and now i\'m starting again..!
Thank you very much for your help!

(par siq)

Inscrit: 28/08/2011

You seem to be a young lady with initiative. Do you intend to go to France to learn the language and the culture or do you have already a good command of the French language?
Vous avez l\'air d\'être une jeune femme qui a de l\'initiative. Est-ce que vous avez l\'intention d\'aller en France pour apprendre la langue et la culture ou bien avez vous déjà une certaine commande de la langue française?

(par M. Kaplan)

Inscrit: 28/08/2011

well yes.. with initiative..! what else can i do in my place?! i\'m just trying to do everything i can to get a place for myself there!
Actually i\'m going to France for university, but because i forgot french, which i used to learn before.., i\'m going to stay for 1 or 2 years learning the language and then i\'m planning to go to university there. And at the same time, of caurse the culture!

(par Auteur anonyme)

Inscrit: 28/08/2011

It might be difficult to help you without knowing a little bit more about you. First of all, you have to defind what is most important for you : why are you coming in France ? To learn French ? To make new friends ? To discover another country, the French way of life ? Or do you want to discover "riding in France" ? I just want to suggest you to choose a nice place to go (do like sea, montains, what \'s about the weather..), then see if it\'s possible to study, and after, once you\'ll be there, make friends and try to connect interesting people in horse.
Kind regards.

(par nathalie)

Inscrit: 28/08/2011

Si vous voulez sérieusement améliorer votre français commencez par vous présenter à ce groupe en français et aussi en anglais.
If you are serious about improving your French start introducing yourself to this group in French and also in English.

(par M. Kaplan)

Inscrit: 28/08/2011

Sorry.. but i\'m not that good yet to communicate in French..! thats why actually i want to go to France: to learn the language, continue with the sport and hopefuly go to university afer 1 year. These are the most important for me. Thats why I say that I can go anywhere (at least for the first year), where i can find a good trainer, hopefully buy a horse and dedicate myself as much as i can to it till i go to university, were i\'ll have a bit less time.

With respect, melina


Désolée... mais mon français n\'est assez bon pour bien communiquer..! C\'est pour cela que je veux aller en France: pour apprendre la langue, continuer le sport et je souhaites aller à l\'Université 1 an plus tard. Ce sont là les choses les plus importantes pour moi. C\'est pour cela que je peux dire que je peux aller n\'impote où (au moins pendant la première année), où je peux trouver un bon écuyer, peut être aussi acheter un cheval et me vouer autant que possible à lui jusqu\'à ce que j\'ailles à l\'université, où j\'aurais un peu moins de temps.

Respectueusement, Melina

(par melina)

Inscrit: 28/08/2011

I too would like to go to France - but I have only one or two weeks time. If at all possible, I would like to plan to be able to see rides and/or clinics and I hope, lessons at the Henriquets...
Moi aussi aimerai aller en France. Mais je nái pas plús de une ou deux semaines. Si cést possible je voudrais aller visiter léquitation a Saumur etc et aussi cliniques et peut-etre un lecon chez les Henriquets...(OK - J´essaye ecriver en Francais, ne me tuer pas....)

/Margareta W

(par Margareta Westlin)

Inscrit: 28/08/2011

I am Australian. I went to France after not studying French since I left school 16 years previously. Before we left Australia I had 10 weeks study with Alliance Francaise, otherwise I would not have coped. Start using your French now however dreadful it is; Allege-Ideal will cope. One learns by doing! Have some lessons before you leave Australia and/or there are a variety of crash courses for foreigners when you arrive. You will find doors open if you try, but few people will bother if you don\'t even attempt to speak their language. This has been a big issue in multi-cultural Australia.
Je suis australienne. Je suis allé en France après avoir arrêté d\'étudier le français lorsque j\'ai quitté l\'école 16 ans au paravent. Avant de quitter l\'Australie j\'ai étudié pendant 10 semaines avec L\'Alliance Française, autrement je n\'aurais pas tenu le coup. Commencez à utiliser votre français aussi terrible qu\'il soit; Allege-Ideal le supportera. On apprend en faisant! Prenez des lessons avant de partir et/ou il y aura des cours accélérés pour étrangers lorsque vous arriverez. Vous trouverez des portes ouvertes si vous faites des efforts, mais très peu de gens vous aideront si vous ne faites pas l\'effort de parler leur langue. Cela a été un problème important dans l\'Australie multi-culturelle.

(par gillian hensler)