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Allege infos - where is it?

1 réponse [Dernière contribution]
Cristiana Camardella
Inscrit: 05/04/2006

I am referring to the note below by Bernardine.
I do not see "Allege infos" in the left-hand menu. Also, I do not see a date in the top left-hand corner of any page.
Is it because the website is not complete yet or do I have a problem with my browser?
Thank you!


Allege infos
Written by Bernardine Cheviron
lundi, 07 novembre 2005

Visit regularly our topic "Allege infos" (in the left-hand menu) to keep updated with the association´s actions in your country or area. If you have an interesting information for this topic, please forward it to your coordinator who will then put it on line.

Informations exclusively dedicated to our members are only available after login in at the top of the page. If you´ve lost your codes, just let us know and we´ll forward them again. The topic "My details" in the private pages enables you to change your password.
To keep updated, we suggest once again that our members systematically log in in order to benefit of the whole site at each visit.
Every modification on the site corresponds to a change of the date in the top left-hand corner of the page.

CALVIN Stéphanie
Inscrit: 25/02/2006


The Allege Info are now in "Allege in the arena" in the left menu.

You choose your country and you have the info you're searching for...
