Dominique Barbier
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Please give me insight on this trainer?
His name said something to me; I made research on "Google" and read that he was a student of Nuno Oliveira; he wrote a Book: a new image of equitation; I can't be affirmative for all; best regards, yves katz
Son nom me dit quelque chose; j'ai fait des recherches sur Google et ai appris qu'il fut un élève de Nuno Oliveira; il a écrit un livre: une nouvelle image de l'équitation; je ne puis être affirmatif pour cela; quelqu'un aurait-il lu son livre; amicalement, yves katz
Ce trainer base aux USA a ecrit des bouquins de dressage "modern" ou se mele l'equitation classique et telepathie - projection mentale de ce que l'ont desire du cheval. Il a apparament ete un proche ami de Nuno Oliveira et etudie avec lui plusieurs annees- peut-etre meme marie a sa fille?- Mr. Henriquet le connais probablement, ou devrais au moins en avoir entendu parler.
This trainer based in the USA has written books that meld classical dressage with the idea of telepathy or the notion of mentally projecting images of what one wants the horse to do. He apparently was a great friend of Nuno Oliveira and studied several years with him. He may have been married to his daughter. Mr.Henriquet must know him, or of him.
Hi Gigi,
He is a very nice man, with a winning smile and a big moustache :-)
I've seen his videos and I've seen him ride and teach a bit.
He did study with Nuno Oliveira, and i have seen him teach and you can see a lot of that in what he teaches. He does have a different emphasis in his approach though as do most of Nuno Oliveira's many students.
I think at the very least his approach to horses is worth seeing for a point of comparison.
Hello Gigi,
I was very happy to read your article.
As I am as lucky as you are to leave with my horses (and cats and dogs and...) I am sure it exists a mental way of communication between both of us.
Using it is a real "help" in ridding.
Hello Catherine. thank you for your kind words. Yes, to live with animals all the time, can give one a spiritual connection to them. I am very fortunate.
I tried the link but it did not come up. I do not know him nor have I seen him teach. I did see a video from one of his students here on the east coast and was not impressed at all with what she had to say or her riding examples.
Post edited by: Gigi, at: 2006/09/21 18:24
Thank you Peteris. He seems like an interesting teacher.
never eared of him or her .
Sylvie Anduze-Acher
coordinatrice Midi-Pyrénées