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Pictures in Both Horse and Hound and Eperon

2 réponses [Dernière contribution]
ACRES Samantha
Inscrit: 17/03/2006

How pleasing it is to see that Colonel Carde has endorsed my feelings about the picture in both of these magazines.
I, being only an Amateur, have been saying to my friends that for me this picture is not what I am trying to achieve with my horse (under the guidance of Colonel Carde) - when I have suggested to this to one particular French friend ..who has been doing very well in dressage competitions - she states that the horse is winning and therefore that this is correct !!!
Voila! Colonel Carde's point indeed!

I think I prefer to lose in my dressage competitions, rather than win with a horse who is 'stressed' and until the dressage judges take a good look at how the horse is actually 'going' and deduct points for 'tightness in the neck', 'swishing tails' etc..then the whole point of dressage in the first place becomes a complete farce.

Inscrit: 17/03/2006

Hey, Samantha, nice to read you : I think you are right, the only way to win and be proud of , is the way you talk about.
Very friendly

Sylvie Anduze-Acher
coordinatrice Midi-Pyrénées

Inscrit: 17/03/2006

Hi Samantha,

"It's right because it wins" is a very technical equestrian answer, I think you agree! What a shame that dressage is dumbed down to this extent!

Keep up the good work!
