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East coast (NJ NY CT) info

4 réponses [Dernière contribution]
Inscrit: 25/05/2007

hi there !

i am going to live in NYC next month and i am in need of adress for boarding a horse in a 25 miles radius... i've found few places in NJ (bergen couty especially) that seem nice but i would prefer if someone here knows a particular place around NYC.

as my job is to train horses i need also to settle in a place that is in an area with other barns where i could find work.

if you know of a barn that you like or of a trainer/breeder that you like, please let me know !

(here is my website by the way : -- it's still in progress there is lot of mispelling!)

Inscrit: 25/05/2007

.....oops i send the message by mistake !

i also wanted to add that if anyone is interested to get together to try to have some things happening in the East coast (AI events, clinics), i'll be very interested to make things move in the US (as it is a little slow right now)

thank you so much if anyone can provide any info !

have a good week end,


Inscrit: 25/07/2006

J'espère que vous trouverez ce que vous recherchez...
Bravo pour votre site où un français ne se sent pas (trop) dépaysé: à quand une version française (ce serait mieux que la traduction Google dont je me sers)? Amicalement.

CARDE christian
Inscrit: 17/03/2006

Good evening Madeleine,
Try mwwarmbloods [at] frontiernet [dot] net
I have a friend who is teaching there ( Margaret Boyce) and I participate in a Symposium nextOctober.

Inscrit: 25/05/2007

merci beaucoup philippe ! you have no problem in france to find any baucher or d'orgeix texts. so i am not too concerned about you :)

thanks for the info colonel, maplewood warmbloods indeed seems like a wonderful place. it's just a little too far for commuting everyday from nyc but i already know that i will come to this symposium. the people there seem very nice as i exchanged few emails with them. good to know !

i wished anyone had any other clue...