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2 réponses [Dernière contribution]
Hanna Goding
Inscrit: 22/07/2008

If I ride a horse the way I beleive it should be trained, nobody seems to have the time to wait for it. Do you know the feeling? It is not only in the group of competitive riders, it is everybody! This really stresses me out! I both ride and train people on their own horses, I see the horse doing progress but the riders are not able to feel it.I do explain the nessecarity of frequent training but it does not help!! It can go months before I see the horse again and there we are back on square 1 again..

Trudi Dempsey
Inscrit: 28/05/2007

I am in total agreement with you Hanna, it is one of the most frustrating things about working with students...they all want results in hours rather than years! However, I still battle on and occasionly I find a 'like minded' person with the patience it takes and I can smile and be content.

All the best Trudi

Inscrit: 17/03/2006

Hello Hanna,
You are in good company !! General L'Hotte used to feel that the hardest feature about teaching equitation was to actually convince the student that what he was saying was both true as well as being very important.
From a personal perspective I am always reminded of the words I heard Colonel Carde utter at a clinic,almost in desperation !! They went like this :" I TEACH RIDERS HOW TO DO LATERAL FLEXIONS AT THE POLL,BUT I NEVER SEE ANYONE DOING THEM ".Those words are ingrained in my memory because out of them are born the following words from the Colonel : " WE MUST BRING THE HORSE TO IT'S BIT BY A LATERAL FLEXION RATHER THAN BY DRIVING HIM ONTO IT ".Classical equitation in all it's beauty.
Now to convince others.When they are ready they will try?

A good topic,


Post edited by: DUNLOP, at: 2008/07/22 18:08